The order of the articles on the home page is controlled by menu link
You add articles to the Front Page from the Article Manger. You arrange
their order in the menu parameters of the default link in mainmenu. You
can see what articles are on the front page and have further fine-tuned
control over them in the Front Page Manager.
关于新闻的管理问题, rss 在 news feed里面进行归类和控制,
然后 利用 menu进行聚合,选择section方式来进行。
Module Content 他控制内容的方式和普通的内容文章 或者组建方式是不同的。
each menu has at least one module associated with it
You can actually have more than one module for a menu. For example, you
could have a menu appear in the left column on the home page and in the
right column on other pages in the site.
简单来说 比如复制一个模式,然后 让模式在 那些页棉现实,然后让另一个复制
It is possible to create your own customized layouts of articles by
creating overrides in the template