星期四, 五月 03, 2007

Designing Modules for Concurrency in Multimedia Co-design

you can get the total detail of the contents from the online journal.

here just list summary or important figures :D

For years, going back to the Radiation Laboratory days, the majority of the time and effort invested in module design was spent on individual components.

With the explosion of the wireless market,Consumers want more features for the same price

In this article, a modern module design approach is explored, with emphasis on efficient design flow and effective methodology.

At a very high level, the flow is the same: partition the design, implement the individual functional blocks, integrate on the module and verify. But this is where the similarity ends, and the overall effect of the new design approach is to provide a higher degree of confidence in less design cycle time, ensuring that the module will be manufacturable in volume, cost-effective and will achieve its market window of opportunity.

On-module components, such as couplers, duplexers, or filters, may be designed using circuit tools, but then they are treated as isolated components similar to the ICs rather than as integrated elements.

看到后来看不下去了,题目很吸引人,又在著名杂志上,maybe几年后可能会有些东西出来,不过现在,他这个只能是想法,目的确实很好,提升效率,但是现在既不是水到渠成的时候也还没有一股作气地实力和资金推动力,即使笔者是知名EDA公司的microwave office 公司的市场部总管也没有这个实力来做什么,当然发言是可以,想法也很好,但是要做,他考虑得还少得很,还有很多地方没有分析。不过还是那句话,想法是好的,想办法在现有的软硬件条件下尽可能的提升自己的研发周期是个一直需要我们思考的问题。对此文有兴趣的可以根据最开始提供的连接去 microwave journal 看一下。

我还在等待我的台式机的诞生,可是确实很难耐得日子,早就开始寄望于一套新的设计流程,希望可以提升研发效率,但是因为笔记本有些软件根深蒂固,为防止发生不良后果,所以一直没有实施,只好再等等。现代工程师的名字确实不是好背负的 刚懂事的时候很崇拜工程师,后来上了大学,渐渐的社会上对工程师叫得也频繁了,自己对工程师这个名字也觉得没什么特别了,大学工科毕业就可以说自己出去做工程师 呵呵 可我现在一点也没把握,什么时候能背负现代工程师这个名字,不过我一定会打拼去争取,希望将来的她能为有这样一个工程的他而怀上那么一份欢喜。 :D
